Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Frog Prince

          Once upon a time at a girl scout pool party many moons ago I met a frog. It was a glorious day because it was the first social event where I was not required to wear swimmies. A few of the parents ventured into the pool to cool off but most of them were enjoying fruity drinks in the shade. One of my fellow Daisy spotted a frog in the pool. Most of the girls freaked out. I've never been afraid of frogs though I would rather not cross the path of a snake. After a few minutes with my stellar swimming ability I was able to catch it. I was extremely proud and climbed out of the pool.

      One of the parents yelled "You should kiss it." "It might turn into a prince, just like in the story." There were a few people who agreed and some of the parents argued against it. I stood there with the frog in my hand with a million thoughts running through my head. If I kissed him and he became a prince we were far too little to be married. He would probably have to go back to his kingdom. Every fairytale I had read or had been read to me normally took place in Europe or some where exotic. What if I did not like him? Did I have an obligation to stay with him since I was the one who turned him? If he lived far away would he stay with us until he was reunited with his parents? How long has he been a frog? Would his transformation be like my favorite movie at the time "Beauty and The Beast"? I hoped he knew English and would go back to his previous diet before he became a frog. It would be cruel of me not to release him from his frog like state? I could hear some of my fellow Daisies complain that they wanted a prince to kiss. I felt a tremendous amount a of pressure as every eye was on me as I bent down to kiss the frog.

     After the kiss nothing happened. There was a great amount of laughter and clapping from the adults. I gave the frog a few more moments to transform but once it became evident that nothing was going to happen I felt humiliated. I let the frog go into the yard and went back into the pool.

   The lesson I learned on that day was you better like what you are kissing "as is" because it's not going to change into what you want it to be after a kiss.

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