Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sloth Man

          One of my favorite games to play is what animal would this person be. It gets a bit tricky when they resemble one animal  but behave like another one. Luckily, one of my coworkers is a full blown sloth. He moves like a sloth, talks like a sloth, and behaves like a sloth. Today I got an email from him asking what my extension happened to be. Every Monday we are sent an email with everyone in the companies extension and I had just literally seen him 10 minutes ago when he was recapping his Supper Bowl experience.

"Yeah, I didn't care what team won but the cooler was placed next to me so that was nice..."-Sloth

      He stood there for five minutes not saying anything. . . just blinking... slowly.... then made the arduous journey back to his desk. Then I got the email asking for my extension. I wrote him back curious to find out if he had been wearing depends so he could enjoy his ideal location uninterrupted. He's really a nice guy with just sloth like tendencies.

"I wish I could get paid to take a nap everyday.... that would be nice...." -Sloth

"When you are out there running... think of me... I'll be in bed probably not planning on getting out till at least the afternoon"-Sloth

"This picnic was a nice idea... I just don't know why they placed the food so far away from the sitting... it makes it a pain to go back and get more...."-Sloth

"Ugh... I hate to run.... why do you like to run?!?.... who really likes to run.... I like to take naps and... float..."-Sloth

       In my freshman FYX program we were suppose to pick an animal for everyone in the class. Most of my classmates said that I would be a peacock. My professor chose a magpie and I like his assessment the best.

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